Briefe an Erich von Kahler (1940-1951) von Hermann Broch | ISBN 9783111749952

Briefe an Erich von Kahler (1940-1951)

von Hermann Broch, herausgegeben von Paul Michael Lützeler
Buchcover Briefe an Erich von Kahler (1940-1951) | Hermann Broch | EAN 9783111749952 | ISBN 3-11-174995-9 | ISBN 978-3-11-174995-2

Briefe an Erich von Kahler (1940-1951)

von Hermann Broch, herausgegeben von Paul Michael Lützeler
The letters convey a picture of Broch’s political discussions with Kahler (World War II, the invention of the atomic bomb, post-war Germany, the founding of Israel, the role of the intellectual). Other topics covered in the letters include the intentions of his novels and his theory of mass hysteria as well as the cultural-historical essay “Hofmannsthal and his Time”. The letters also reveal personal details? old Austrian retrospectives as well as current friendships with women and the efforts of his sponsors to promote his fame.