Daniel Chodowiecki (1726-1801) | Kupferstecher, Illustrator, Kaufmann | ISBN 9783111794617

Daniel Chodowiecki (1726-1801)

Kupferstecher, Illustrator, Kaufmann

herausgegeben von Ernst Hinrichs und Klaus Zernack
Herausgegeben vonErnst Hinrichs
Herausgegeben vonKlaus Zernack
Buchcover Daniel Chodowiecki (1726-1801)  | EAN 9783111794617 | ISBN 3-11-179461-X | ISBN 978-3-11-179461-7

Daniel Chodowiecki (1726-1801)

Kupferstecher, Illustrator, Kaufmann

herausgegeben von Ernst Hinrichs und Klaus Zernack
Herausgegeben vonErnst Hinrichs
Herausgegeben vonKlaus Zernack
Just how many-sided the life and works of Daniel Chodowiecki were becomes apparent when we look at his various professions. He was a decorator, genre painter, illustrator, engraver, craftsman, entrepreneur and art expert. Historically oriented art and literature scholars have regarded this as an invitation to approach Chodwiecki from a variety of different angles, for here is a man who patently led an 'interdisciplinary' life and who thus deserves to be read and appreciated from an interdisciplinary perspective. Precisely this is what the present volume sets out to do.