German-Jewish Cultural Identity from 1900 to the Aftermath of the First World War von Elisabeth Albanis | A Comparative Study of Moritz Goldstein, Julius Bab and Ernst Lissauer | ISBN 9783111817187

German-Jewish Cultural Identity from 1900 to the Aftermath of the First World War

A Comparative Study of Moritz Goldstein, Julius Bab and Ernst Lissauer

von Elisabeth Albanis
Buchcover German-Jewish Cultural Identity from 1900 to the Aftermath of the First World War | Elisabeth Albanis | EAN 9783111817187 | ISBN 3-11-181718-0 | ISBN 978-3-11-181718-7

German-Jewish Cultural Identity from 1900 to the Aftermath of the First World War

A Comparative Study of Moritz Goldstein, Julius Bab and Ernst Lissauer

von Elisabeth Albanis
By illustrating the quintessentially different self-perceptions of three contemporary German writers of Jewish background, this book examines a range of German-Jewish identities in a socio-cultural context in Wilhelmine Germany. Its recognition of the ways in which the individual's cultural identity - Moritz Goldstein's (1880-1977) cultural Zionism, Julius Bab's (1880-1955) synthesis of 'Deutschtum' and 'Judentum' and Ernst Lissauer's (1882-1937) advocacy of complete assimilation - was constantly refashioned in response to the challenges of increasing anti-Semitism, enables one to reach a fuller understanding of the evolving self-perception of German Jews.