Modelling of Interface Carrier Transport for Device Simulation von Dietmar Schroeder | ISBN 9783211825396

Modelling of Interface Carrier Transport for Device Simulation

von Dietmar Schroeder
Buchcover Modelling of Interface Carrier Transport for Device Simulation | Dietmar Schroeder | EAN 9783211825396 | ISBN 3-211-82539-8 | ISBN 978-3-211-82539-6

Modelling of Interface Carrier Transport for Device Simulation

von Dietmar Schroeder
The book contains a comprehensive review of the physics, modelling and simulation of electron transport at interfaces in semiconductor devices. Particular emphasis is put on the consistent derivation of interface or boundary conditions for semiconductor device simulation. It combines a review of existing interface charge transport models with original developments. A unified representation of charge transport at semiconductor interfaces is introduced. Models for the most important interfaces are derived, classified within the unique modelling framework, and discussed in the context of device simulation. Discretization methods for numerical solution techniques are presented.