Transformer-Based Design Techniques for Oscillators and Frequency Dividers von Howard Cam Luong | ISBN 9783319371603

Transformer-Based Design Techniques for Oscillators and Frequency Dividers

von Howard Cam Luong und Jun Yin
Autor / AutorinHoward Cam Luong
Autor / AutorinJun Yin
Buchcover Transformer-Based Design Techniques for Oscillators and Frequency Dividers | Howard Cam Luong | EAN 9783319371603 | ISBN 3-319-37160-6 | ISBN 978-3-319-37160-3

Transformer-Based Design Techniques for Oscillators and Frequency Dividers

von Howard Cam Luong und Jun Yin
Autor / AutorinHoward Cam Luong
Autor / AutorinJun Yin
This book provides in-depth coverage of transformer-based design techniques that enable CMOS oscillators and frequency dividers to achieve state-of-the-art performance.  Design, optimization, and measured performance of oscillators and frequency dividers for different applications are discussed in detail, focusing on not only ultra-low supply voltage but also ultra-wide frequency tuning range and locking range.  This book will be an invaluable reference for anyone working or interested in CMOS radio-frequency or mm-Wave integrated circuits and systems.