Nordic Superintendents: Agents in a Broken Chain | ISBN 9783319797359

Nordic Superintendents: Agents in a Broken Chain

herausgegeben von Lejf Moos, Elisabet Nihlfors und Jan Merok Paulsen
Herausgegeben vonLejf Moos
Herausgegeben vonElisabet Nihlfors
Herausgegeben vonJan Merok Paulsen
Buchcover Nordic Superintendents: Agents in a Broken Chain  | EAN 9783319797359 | ISBN 3-319-79735-2 | ISBN 978-3-319-79735-9

Nordic Superintendents: Agents in a Broken Chain

herausgegeben von Lejf Moos, Elisabet Nihlfors und Jan Merok Paulsen
Herausgegeben vonLejf Moos
Herausgegeben vonElisabet Nihlfors
Herausgegeben vonJan Merok Paulsen
This book analyses the superintendent position and relations and shows how the well-known policy umbrella, the New Public Management (NPM), is being adapted to national contexts. School superintendents are civil servants at the heart of the governance of municipal education. Educational governance in the Nordic countries - Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden - is currently undergoing comprehensive restructuring and reconceptualisation at the hands of national governments influenced by transnational agencies. Our analyses of the superintendent position and relations show that the well-known policy umbrella, the New Public Management (NPM), is moving towards focusing on soft governance and social technologies as the preferred means of influences. Thus we rename it New Public Governance (NPG).