Plant Genetics and Molecular Biology | ISBN 9783319913124

Plant Genetics and Molecular Biology

herausgegeben von Rajeev K. Varshney, Manish K. Pandey und Annapurna Chitikineni
Herausgegeben vonRajeev K. Varshney
Herausgegeben vonManish K. Pandey
Herausgegeben vonAnnapurna Chitikineni
Buchcover Plant Genetics and Molecular Biology  | EAN 9783319913124 | ISBN 3-319-91312-3 | ISBN 978-3-319-91312-4

Plant Genetics and Molecular Biology

herausgegeben von Rajeev K. Varshney, Manish K. Pandey und Annapurna Chitikineni
Herausgegeben vonRajeev K. Varshney
Herausgegeben vonManish K. Pandey
Herausgegeben vonAnnapurna Chitikineni

This book reviews the latest advances in multiple fields of plant biotechnology and the opportunities that plant genetics, genomics and molecular biology have offered for agriculture improvement. Advanced technologies can dramatically enhance our capacity in understanding the molecular basis of traits and utilizing the available resources for accelerated development of high yielding, nutritious, input-use efficient and climate-smart crop varieties. In this book, readers will discover the significant advances in plant genetics, structural and functional genomics, trait and gene discovery, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, epigenomics, nanotechnology and analytical & decision support tools in breeding. This book appeals to researchers, academics and other stakeholders of global agriculture.