Imagining Mr Stevens von Paul Maloney | Approaches to Ishiguro's The Remains of the Day - nine essays on central aspects of Kazuo Ishiguro's masterpiece | ISBN 9783347631557

Imagining Mr Stevens

Approaches to Ishiguro's The Remains of the Day - nine essays on central aspects of Kazuo Ishiguro's masterpiece

von Paul Maloney
Buchcover Imagining Mr Stevens | Paul Maloney | EAN 9783347631557 | ISBN 3-347-63155-2 | ISBN 978-3-347-63155-7
Students of contemporary British literature. / Studierende, die sich für zeitgenössische britische Literatur interessieren.

Imagining Mr Stevens

Approaches to Ishiguro's The Remains of the Day - nine essays on central aspects of Kazuo Ishiguro's masterpiece

von Paul Maloney
A detailed analysis of Kazuo Ishiguro's masterpiece The Remains of the Day in nine essays.
In neun Aufsätzen wird Kazuo Ishiguros Meisterwerk The Remains of the Day eingehend analysiert.