Hops von Adrian Forster | Their Cultivation, Composition and Usage | ISBN 9783418008233


Their Cultivation, Composition and Usage

von Adrian Forster und weiteren
Autor / AutorinAdrian Forster
Autor / AutorinMartin Biendl
Autor / AutorinBernhard Engelhard
Autor / AutorinAndreas Gahr
Autor / AutorinAnton Lutz
Autor / AutorinWilli Mitter
Autor / AutorinReinhard Schmidt
Autor / AutorinChristina Schönberger
Buchcover Hops | Adrian Forster | EAN 9783418008233 | ISBN 3-418-00823-2 | ISBN 978-3-418-00823-3


Their Cultivation, Composition and Usage

von Adrian Forster und weiteren
Autor / AutorinAdrian Forster
Autor / AutorinMartin Biendl
Autor / AutorinBernhard Engelhard
Autor / AutorinAndreas Gahr
Autor / AutorinAnton Lutz
Autor / AutorinWilli Mitter
Autor / AutorinReinhard Schmidt
Autor / AutorinChristina Schönberger
This book is intended for scientists, brewers and students, who would like a deeper insight into the world of hops. Recent scientific findings, technological developments and important facets of the value supply chain – from seedlings to packaged beer – are clearly examined in detail. A comprehensive and up-to-date reference book covering every relevant aspect of hops.