Precast Concrete Structures von Alfred Steinle | (Package: Print + ePDF) | ISBN 9783433032732

Precast Concrete Structures

(Package: Print + ePDF)

von Alfred Steinle, Hubert Bachmann und Mathias Tillmann, übersetzt von Philip Thrift
Autor / AutorinAlfred Steinle
Autor / AutorinHubert Bachmann
Autor / AutorinMathias Tillmann
Übersetzt vonPhilip Thrift
Buchcover Precast Concrete Structures | Alfred Steinle | EAN 9783433032732 | ISBN 3-433-03273-4 | ISBN 978-3-433-03273-2

Precast Concrete Structures

(Package: Print + ePDF)

von Alfred Steinle, Hubert Bachmann und Mathias Tillmann, übersetzt von Philip Thrift
Autor / AutorinAlfred Steinle
Autor / AutorinHubert Bachmann
Autor / AutorinMathias Tillmann
Übersetzt vonPhilip Thrift

Building with precast concrete elements is one of the most innovative forms of construction. This is where new types of concrete and reinforcement and new methods are tried out for the first time, as a precasting plant offers excellent conditions for industrial production.
This book provides an introduction to this form of construction and supplies all the information necessary for conceptual and detailed design. The history of this construction method and the status of European standards are also included. Crucial to the economic and correct use of precast concrete elements is a design that suits the production and erection of such elements. Typical precast concrete designs are presented as well as the boundary conditions that must be considered. Connections between precast concrete elements require special attention, especially for horizontal loads. Therefore, the stability of precast concrete structures is explored in full. Special aspects of design, e. g. bearings, corbels, column butt joints, are shown in detail. One increasingly important application for precast concrete elements is façades, and so this topic has its own chapter. The book concludes with information on production itself so that readers gain a full understanding of precast concrete.
All material was completely revised by a new group of authors for this edition. It serves as an introduction to this subject and as a practical resource with examples for both structural engineers and architects.
(Package: Print + ePDF)