Transport and Mixing in Laminar Flows | From Microfluidics to Oceanic Currents | ISBN 9783527410118

Transport and Mixing in Laminar Flows

From Microfluidics to Oceanic Currents

herausgegeben von Roman Grigoriev und Heinz Georg Schuster
Herausgegeben vonRoman Grigoriev
Herausgegeben vonHeinz Georg Schuster
Buchcover Transport and Mixing in Laminar Flows  | EAN 9783527410118 | ISBN 3-527-41011-2 | ISBN 978-3-527-41011-8

Transport and Mixing in Laminar Flows

From Microfluidics to Oceanic Currents

herausgegeben von Roman Grigoriev und Heinz Georg Schuster
Herausgegeben vonRoman Grigoriev
Herausgegeben vonHeinz Georg Schuster
This book provides readers from academia and industry with an up-to-date overview of important advances in the field, dealing with such fundamental fluid mechanics problems as nonlinear transport phenomena and optimal control of mixing at the micro- and nanoscale.
The editors provide both in-depth knowledge of the topic as well as vast experience in guiding an expert team of authors. The review style articles offer a coherent view of the micromixing methods, resulting in a much-needed synopsis of the theoretical models needed to direct experimental research and establish engineering principles for future applications.
Since these processes are governed by nonlinear phenomena, this book will appeal to readers from both communities: fluid mechanics and nonlinear dynamics.