Reviews of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology von M. P. Blaustein | ISBN 9783540651512

Reviews of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology

von M. P. Blaustein und weiteren
Autor / AutorinM. P. Blaustein
Autor / AutorinR. Greger
Autor / AutorinH. Grunicke
Autor / AutorinR. Jahn
Autor / AutorinW. J. Lederer
Autor / AutorinL. M. Mendell
Autor / AutorinA. Miyajima
Autor / AutorinD. Pette
Autor / AutorinG. Schultz
Autor / AutorinM. Schweiger
Buchcover Reviews of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology | M. P. Blaustein | EAN 9783540651512 | ISBN 3-540-65151-9 | ISBN 978-3-540-65151-2

Reviews of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology

von M. P. Blaustein und weiteren
Autor / AutorinM. P. Blaustein
Autor / AutorinR. Greger
Autor / AutorinH. Grunicke
Autor / AutorinR. Jahn
Autor / AutorinW. J. Lederer
Autor / AutorinL. M. Mendell
Autor / AutorinA. Miyajima
Autor / AutorinD. Pette
Autor / AutorinG. Schultz
Autor / AutorinM. Schweiger


  • Immunomodulation by colony-stimulating factors.
  • Hyperpolarization-activated cation channels: A multi-gene family.
  • Regulation of ?-Adrenergic receptor responsiveness modulation of receptor gene expression.