Romanian Diplomacy in the 20th Century | Biographies, Institutional Pathways, International Challenges | ISBN 9783631846865

Romanian Diplomacy in the 20th Century

Biographies, Institutional Pathways, International Challenges

Band herausgegeben vonAdrian Vițalaru,
Band herausgegeben vonIonuț Nistor
Band herausgegeben vonAdrian-Bogdan Ceobanu
Buchcover Romanian Diplomacy in the 20th Century  | EAN 9783631846865 | ISBN 3-631-84686-X | ISBN 978-3-631-84686-5

Romanian Diplomacy in the 20th Century

Biographies, Institutional Pathways, International Challenges

Band herausgegeben vonAdrian Vițalaru,
Band herausgegeben vonIonuț Nistor
Band herausgegeben vonAdrian-Bogdan Ceobanu
This collection of studies examines different aspects of Romanian diplomacy in the 20th century, thus highlighting the activity of various diplomats, seeking to explain the changes produced within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs following political transformations in Romania, and aiming to analyse different topic and „dossiers“ related to foreign policy, as well as the negotiated perspectives of career diplomats, ministers of foreign affairs, and politicians regarding the directions of foreign policy or the „dossiers“ of national interest and security.