Computed Tomography of the Lung von Johny A. Verschakelen | A Pattern Approach | ISBN 9783642065613

Computed Tomography of the Lung

A Pattern Approach

von Johny A. Verschakelen und Walter de Wever, Vorwort von A.L. Baert
Autor / AutorinJohny A. Verschakelen
Vorwort vonA.L. Baert
Autor / AutorinWalter de Wever
Buchcover Computed Tomography of the Lung | Johny A. Verschakelen | EAN 9783642065613 | ISBN 3-642-06561-9 | ISBN 978-3-642-06561-3

Computed Tomography of the Lung

A Pattern Approach

von Johny A. Verschakelen und Walter de Wever, Vorwort von A.L. Baert
Autor / AutorinJohny A. Verschakelen
Vorwort vonA.L. Baert
Autor / AutorinWalter de Wever

This book describes the main appearance and distribution patterns of lung disease with the help of many color drawings and high-quality illustrations. This approach enables the reader to recognize these patterns and to interpret them in order to reach a diagnosis. In addition, the book includes many typical cases so that the reader can see how the information is applied.