The New Cosmos von Albrecht Unsöld | An Introduction to Astronomy and Astrophysics | ISBN 9783642087462

The New Cosmos

An Introduction to Astronomy and Astrophysics

von Albrecht Unsöld und Bodo Baschek
Autor / AutorinAlbrecht Unsöld
Autor / AutorinBodo Baschek
Buchcover The New Cosmos | Albrecht Unsöld | EAN 9783642087462 | ISBN 3-642-08746-9 | ISBN 978-3-642-08746-2

From the reviews of the fifth edition:

„... The library copies of the earlier editions are well thumbed, which is a good indication of how often they are referenced. I have no doubt that this new edition will prove as popular.“
(Journal of the British Astronomical Association)

„The present volume remains, I believe, a valuable contribution to astronomy education, particularly because of its enormous breadth at a level of detail not really found elsewhere. For many an undergraduate course it should provide an ideal text, while for a wide range of other situations … it will provide an excellent companion; even among the professional community, it will be a handy reference … . It is nicely produced and at a very reasonable price.“ (David Stickland, The Observatory, Vol. 122 (1167), 2002)

The New Cosmos

An Introduction to Astronomy and Astrophysics

von Albrecht Unsöld und Bodo Baschek
Autor / AutorinAlbrecht Unsöld
Autor / AutorinBodo Baschek

Astronomy, astrophysics and space research have witnessed an explosive development over the last few decades. The new observational potential offered by space stations and the availability of powerful and highly specialized computers have revealed novel aspects of the fascinating realm of galaxies, quasars, stars and planets. The present completely revised 5th edition of The New Cosmos provides ample evidence of these dramatic developments. In a concise presentation, which assumes only a modest prior knowledge of mathematics and physics, the book gives a coherent introduction to the entire field of astronomy and astrophysics. At the same time it takes into account the art of observation and the fundamental ideas behind their interpretation. Like its predecessors, this edition of The New Cosmos will provide new insight and enjoyment not only to students and researchers in the fields of astronomy, physics and earth sciences, but also to a wide range of interested amateurs.