Magnetic Particle Imaging | A Novel SPIO Nanoparticle Imaging Technique | ISBN 9783642444630

Magnetic Particle Imaging

A Novel SPIO Nanoparticle Imaging Technique

herausgegeben von Thorsten M. Buzug und Jörn Borgert
Herausgegeben vonThorsten M. Buzug
Herausgegeben vonJörn Borgert
Buchcover Magnetic Particle Imaging  | EAN 9783642444630 | ISBN 3-642-44463-6 | ISBN 978-3-642-44463-0

Magnetic Particle Imaging

A Novel SPIO Nanoparticle Imaging Technique

herausgegeben von Thorsten M. Buzug und Jörn Borgert
Herausgegeben vonThorsten M. Buzug
Herausgegeben vonJörn Borgert

Magnetic Particle Imaging (MPI) is a novel imaging modality. In MPI superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles are used as tracer materials.
The volume is the proceeding of the 2nd international workshop on magnetic particle imaging (IWMPI). The workshop aims at covering the status and recent developments of both, the instrumentation and the tracer material, as each of them is equally important in designing a well performing MPI. For instance, the current state of the art in magnetic coil design for MPI is discussed. With a new symmetrical arrangement of coils, a field-free line (FFL) can be produced that promises a significantly higher sensitivity compared with the standard arrangement for a FFP. Furthermore, the workshop aims at presenting results from phantom and pre-clinical studies.