Bubbly Flows | Analysis, Modelling and Calculation | ISBN 9783642621505

Bubbly Flows

Analysis, Modelling and Calculation

herausgegeben von Martin Sommerfeld
Buchcover Bubbly Flows  | EAN 9783642621505 | ISBN 3-642-62150-3 | ISBN 978-3-642-62150-5

Bubbly Flows

Analysis, Modelling and Calculation

herausgegeben von Martin Sommerfeld
The book summarises the outcom of a priority research programme: 'Analysis, Modelling and Computation of Multiphase Flows'. The results of 24 individual research projects are presented. The main objective of the research programme was to provide a better understanding of the physical basis for multiphase gas-liquid flows as they are found in numerous chemical and biochemical reactors. The research comprises steady and unsteady multiphase flows in three frequently found reactor configurations, namely bubble columns without interiors, airlift loop reactors, and aerated stirred vessels. For this purpose new and improved measurement techniques were developed. From the resulting knowledge and data, new and refined models for describing the underlying physical processes were developed, which were used for the establishment and improvement of analytic as well as numerical methods for predicting multiphase reactors. Thereby, the development, lay-out and scale-up of such processes should be possible on a more reliable basis.