#Balkanization: A Critical Study of Otherness through Twitter von Liridona Veliu | ISBN 9783658238230

#Balkanization: A Critical Study of Otherness through Twitter

von Liridona Veliu
Buchcover #Balkanization: A Critical Study of Otherness through Twitter | Liridona Veliu | EAN 9783658238230 | ISBN 3-658-23823-2 | ISBN 978-3-658-23823-0

#Balkanization: A Critical Study of Otherness through Twitter

von Liridona Veliu

Liridona Veliu examines ‘balkanization’ as a long-standing discourse of identity construction, otherness and stereotyping through Twitter. Although deriving from the Balkans and attached to the Balkan Peninsula, the ‘balkanization’ discourse has gained a life of its own. The author challenges its current manifestations shaped by the era of social media and identifies and connects its meanings with deeper processes of historical events. This book denaturalizes ‘balkanization’ as a constructed source of knowledge, approaching the topic embedded in genealogy and deconstructivism, and applies critical discourse analysis as a method of research.