Guidelines for accessible teaching and research at universities / Leitfaden für barrierefreies Lehren und Forschen an der Hochschule von Alireza Darvishy | ISBN 9783728141798

Guidelines for accessible teaching and research at universities / Leitfaden für barrierefreies Lehren und Forschen an der Hochschule

von Alireza Darvishy, Ingeborg Hedderich, Franziska Oberholzer und Rolf Sethe
Autor / AutorinAlireza Darvishy
Autor / AutorinIngeborg Hedderich
Autor / AutorinFranziska Oberholzer
Autor / AutorinRolf Sethe
Buchcover Guidelines for accessible teaching and research at universities / Leitfaden für barrierefreies Lehren und Forschen an der Hochschule | Alireza Darvishy | EAN 9783728141798 | ISBN 3-7281-4179-8 | ISBN 978-3-7281-4179-8

Guidelines for accessible teaching and research at universities / Leitfaden für barrierefreies Lehren und Forschen an der Hochschule

von Alireza Darvishy, Ingeborg Hedderich, Franziska Oberholzer und Rolf Sethe
Autor / AutorinAlireza Darvishy
Autor / AutorinIngeborg Hedderich
Autor / AutorinFranziska Oberholzer
Autor / AutorinRolf Sethe
This book presents recommendations on how universities can be made (more) accessible for researchers and teachers with disabilities or chronic illnesses. The target audience for these recommendations is university management and university staff responsible for structural measures, digital channels, lecture halls, diversity offices, etc.
With the help of the checklists, any barriers can be identified so that they can be removed in a targeted manner. Without such a general approach, those affected must find individual solutions for their needs. This causes unnecessary stress and generates additional work on their part. We would like to see a university that recognizes everyone’s needs.