The Spacetime Ship Phönix Presents von Dr. Michael Roscher | ISBN 9783753162409

The Spacetime Ship Phönix Presents

von Dr. Michael Roscher
Buchcover The Spacetime Ship Phönix Presents | Dr. Michael Roscher | EAN 9783753162409 | ISBN 3-7531-6240-X | ISBN 978-3-7531-6240-9

The Spacetime Ship Phönix Presents

von Dr. Michael Roscher
This book tells about what will happen in the next 5000 years. It will become a multi-part or also more a series of events what will come. Nothing of it is lied or freely invented, everything corresponds to the truth. In the 1st part it begins with the year 2021 and ends in the year 2023. Here you will become a witness and a kind of observer and you will find out with astonishment that all events will also come true. We do not hide behind blurry video and pictures. Just like on Youtube many of the alleged time travelers are people who want to make themselves important.