Barragán – Space and Shadow, Walls and Colour von Danièle Pauly | ISBN 9783764366797

Barragán – Space and Shadow, Walls and Colour

von Danièle Pauly
Autor / AutorinDanièle Pauly
Sonstige MitwirkungJ. Habersetzer
Buchcover Barragán – Space and Shadow, Walls and Colour | Danièle Pauly | EAN 9783764366797 | ISBN 3-7643-6679-6 | ISBN 978-3-7643-6679-7

Barragán – Space and Shadow, Walls and Colour

von Danièle Pauly
Autor / AutorinDanièle Pauly
Sonstige MitwirkungJ. Habersetzer
In this monograph, Danièle Pauly provides an overview ofBarragán s life and his architectural œuvre, his Mexican roots, the Mediterranean influences, his Functionalist period, and finally the steps to maturity as a consummate architect.