General Lattice Theory von George Grätzer | Second edition | ISBN 9783764369965

General Lattice Theory

Second edition

von George Grätzer
Autor / AutorinGeorge Grätzer
Anhang vonB.A. Davey
Anhang vonR. Freese
Anhang vonB. Ganter
Anhang vonM. Greferath
Anhang vonP. Jipsen
Anhang vonH.A. Priestley
Anhang vonH. Rose
Anhang vonE.T. Schmidt
Anhang vonS.E. Schmidt
Anhang vonF. Wehrung
Anhang vonR. Wille
Buchcover General Lattice Theory | George Grätzer | EAN 9783764369965 | ISBN 3-7643-6996-5 | ISBN 978-3-7643-6996-5

"…Grätzer’s 'General Lattice Theory' has become the lattice theorist’s bible. Now…we have the second edition, in which the old testament is augmented by a new testament…. The new testament gospel is provided by leading and acknowledged experts in their fields…. Each [of these eight contributions] is itself a gold mine. This is an excellent and engaging second edition that will long remain a standard reference.„


“Despite the large number of coauthors the style is uniform and the book is well written. As the first edition of this book had a deep influence on the development of lattice theory, I expect that the new edition will continue to hold its leading position among the books on lattice theory.„


“This second edition of the Gratzer's book on lattice theory is an expanded and updated form of its first edition.  Following the line of first edition, it combines the techniques of an introductory textbook with those of a monograph to introduce the reader to lattice theory and to bring the expert up to date on the most recent developments. . . Author adds eight appendices to record the changes in the superstructure of lattice theory that occurred in the time between the two editions of this book.  In the first appendix, the authro reviews the major results of the last 20 years and solutions of the problems proposed in this book. . . Almost 900 exercises form an important part of this book.  The bibliography contains over 750 entries.  A very detailed index and the Table of Notation should help the reader in finding where a concept or notation was first introduced."



General Lattice Theory

Second edition

von George Grätzer
Autor / AutorinGeorge Grätzer
Anhang vonB.A. Davey
Anhang vonR. Freese
Anhang vonB. Ganter
Anhang vonM. Greferath
Anhang vonP. Jipsen
Anhang vonH.A. Priestley
Anhang vonH. Rose
Anhang vonE.T. Schmidt
Anhang vonS.E. Schmidt
Anhang vonF. Wehrung
Anhang vonR. Wille

"Grätzer’s 'General Lattice Theory' has become the lattice theorist’s bible. Now we have the second edition, in which the old testament is augmented by a new testament. The new testament gospel is provided by leading and acknowledged experts in their fields. This is an excellent and engaging second edition that will long remain a standard reference." --MATHEMATICAL REVIEWS