Dynamic Alliance Auctions von Tobias Ihde | A Mechanism for Internet-Based Transportation Markets | ISBN 9783790800982

Dynamic Alliance Auctions

A Mechanism for Internet-Based Transportation Markets

von Tobias Ihde
Buchcover Dynamic Alliance Auctions | Tobias Ihde | EAN 9783790800982 | ISBN 3-7908-0098-8 | ISBN 978-3-7908-0098-2

Dynamic Alliance Auctions

A Mechanism for Internet-Based Transportation Markets

von Tobias Ihde

An introduction to the new auction format known as ‘Dynamic Alliance Auctions’ which has been developed for Internet-based transportation marketplaces. The format allows for a packagewise placement of transportation orders even if these orders stem from different shippers. This, in turn, increases utilization of truck capacity and reduces risk for carriers. It also results in bringing down transportation prices without shrinking margins. After examining the landscape of Internet-based transportation marketplaces, the book identifies vital characteristics and needs of transportation business. The book shows how Dynamic Alliance Auctions combine ideas of matching theory, auctions and bargaining to fit these needs. Finally, the performance of this auction format is investigated analytically and experimentally using a modified private-value framework and different informational settings.