A Composer's World von Paul Hindemith | Horizons and Limitations | ISBN 9783795700249

A Composer's World

Horizons and Limitations

von Paul Hindemith
Buchcover A Composer's World | Paul Hindemith | EAN 9783795700249 | ISBN 3-7957-0024-8 | ISBN 978-3-7957-0024-9

A Composer's World

Horizons and Limitations

von Paul Hindemith
The Book aims to be a guide through the little universe which is the working place of the man who writes music. As such it talks predominantly to the layman, although the expert composer may also find some stimulation in it... From the center of basic theory our discussion will spread out into all the realms of experience which border the technical aspect on composing, such as aesthetics, sociology, philosphy and so on...
We must be grateful that with our art we have been placed halfway between science and religion, enjoying equally the advantages of exactitude in thinking... and of the unlimeted world of faith. Paul Hindemith, from the preface