The BBC in Transition | Reasons, Results and Consequences | ISBN 9783824442270

The BBC in Transition

Reasons, Results and Consequences

mit Jochen Spangenberg
Buchcover The BBC in Transition  | EAN 9783824442270 | ISBN 3-8244-4227-2 | ISBN 978-3-8244-4227-0

The BBC in Transition

Reasons, Results and Consequences

mit Jochen Spangenberg
In the 1990s the BBC was engaged in a process of major reform and restructuring. This was both a response to external pressures and intended to prepare the Corporation for a changing broadcasting environment. The book portrays these transitional times and investigates the major external factors that acted as a catalyst for change. Finally, the author shows what is at stake concerning the BBC’s future, and with it the future of public service broadcasting in Britain.