Practical Reasoning von Thomas Gil | ISBN 9783830502982

Practical Reasoning

von Thomas Gil
Buchcover Practical Reasoning | Thomas Gil | EAN 9783830502982 | ISBN 3-8305-0298-2 | ISBN 978-3-8305-0298-2

Practical Reasoning

von Thomas Gil
Human beings have always some reason to do the things they do. Their own needs, interests, and goals motivate them to do what they do. Moreover, human beings use frequently the reasons they have to perform certain acts as arguments in practical reasonings in which they get involved in order to justify what they do, or in order to find out what they should reasonably do, taking into consideration all the relevant variables implied in the concrete contexts and situations, in which they have to act. The reasons human beings have to perform different acts, and the way they use such reasons in practical inferences and reasonings are the subject matter of this essay in which I intend to clarify how the limited, „bounded“ rationality characteristic of human beings functions in different fields of action and practical deliberation.