Cost Estimation in Plant Construction von Ibrahim Kar | ISBN 9783834334954

Cost Estimation in Plant Construction

von Ibrahim Kar und Michael Berz
Autor / AutorinIbrahim Kar
Autor / AutorinMichael Berz
Buchcover Cost Estimation in Plant Construction | Ibrahim Kar | EAN 9783834334954 | ISBN 3-8343-3495-2 | ISBN 978-3-8343-3495-4

Cost Estimation in Plant Construction

von Ibrahim Kar und Michael Berz
Autor / AutorinIbrahim Kar
Autor / AutorinMichael Berz
At the early project stages of plant construction, cost estimates for projects in the process industry are a prerequisite for gaining a competitive advantage in a global market with increasing commodity prices, engineering and installation costs.
This book gives readers a detailed overview of the structure of cost estimates in brownfield and greenfield plant projects and the method of preparing the required accompanying documentation. Using a project example, the book presents a cost estimate with different levels of accuracy. The attachment comprises cost estimation templates and corresponding documents that can also be ordered separately from the publisher as Word and Excel files.
• Basics of cost estimation • Cost estimation types, classes and methods • Planning (engineering) • Equipment and material procurement • Installation and construction • Exemplary templates