Electromagnetic Field Theory von Gerd Mrozynski | A Collection of Problems | ISBN 9783834817112

Electromagnetic Field Theory

A Collection of Problems

von Gerd Mrozynski und Matthias Stallein
Autor / AutorinGerd Mrozynski
Autor / AutorinMatthias Stallein
Buchcover Electromagnetic Field Theory | Gerd Mrozynski | EAN 9783834817112 | ISBN 3-8348-1711-2 | ISBN 978-3-8348-1711-2

Electromagnetic Field Theory

A Collection of Problems

von Gerd Mrozynski und Matthias Stallein
Autor / AutorinGerd Mrozynski
Autor / AutorinMatthias Stallein

After a brief introduction into the theory of electromagnetic fields and the definition of the field quantities the book teaches the analytical solution methods of Maxwell’s equations by means of several characteristic examples. The focus is on static and stationary electric and magnetic fields, quasi stationary fields, and electromagnetic waves. For a deeper understanding, the many depicted field patterns are very helpful. The book offers a collection of problems and solutions which enable the reader to understand and to apply Maxwell’s theory for a broad class of problems including classical static problems right up to waveguide eigenvalue problems.