Animal Minds & Animal Ethics | Connecting Two Separate Fields | ISBN 9783837624625

Animal Minds & Animal Ethics

Connecting Two Separate Fields

herausgegeben von Klaus Petrus und Markus Wild
Herausgegeben vonKlaus Petrus
Herausgegeben vonMarkus Wild
Buchcover Animal Minds & Animal Ethics  | EAN 9783837624625 | ISBN 3-8376-2462-5 | ISBN 978-3-8376-2462-5

»Der Band zeigt, wie sich das dilettantische Zurechtschneidern des Geistes der Tiere verhindern lässt. Die Auswahl der Arbeiten [...] bezeugt das konstruktive Potential der postmodernen Philosophie.« Philipp von Gall, TIERethik, 6/8 (2014)
»Ein lesenswertes Buch.« Kochen ohne Knochen, 15/2 (2014)
Reviewed in:

Fellbeißer, 10 (2013) www. lehrerbibliothek. de, 21.01.2014, Dieter Bach fair-fish, 13.02.2014, Heinzpeter Studer

Animal Minds & Animal Ethics

Connecting Two Separate Fields

herausgegeben von Klaus Petrus und Markus Wild
Herausgegeben vonKlaus Petrus
Herausgegeben vonMarkus Wild
Animal minds and animal ethics - different origins, connecting similarities. Philosophers working on questions of animal ethics usually draw on research into animal cognition and subscribe to strong positions regarding animal minds. Whereas philosophers interested in the question of animal minds sometimes draw ethical conclusions from the positions they argue for. In spite of such overlaps, these two areas of research have grown up separately. One reason for this separation stems from the institutional distinction between theoretical and practical philosophy. The principal aim of this anthology is to build bridges between the fields and different philosophical approaches of animal ethics and of animal minds and cognition.