Miranda July's Intermedial Art von Antje Czudaj | The Creative Class Between Self-Help and Individualism | ISBN 9783837633696

Miranda July's Intermedial Art

The Creative Class Between Self-Help and Individualism

von Antje Czudaj
Buchcover Miranda July's Intermedial Art | Antje Czudaj | EAN 9783837633696 | ISBN 3-8376-3369-1 | ISBN 978-3-8376-3369-6

»Czudaj kann an den von ihr ausgewählten Beispielen das Konzept der Selbsthilfe glaubhaft machen und zeigt anschaulich, wie dieses bei July in Internet, Film und Kurzgeschichte verhandelt wird.« Mirjam Kappes, MEDIENwissenschaft, 3 (2017)
Besprochen in:

GMK-Newsletter, 5 (2016) The Chronicle of Higher Education, 16.09.2016, Nina C. Ayoub

Miranda July's Intermedial Art

The Creative Class Between Self-Help and Individualism

von Antje Czudaj
This first in-depth study of Miranda July's work reveals some of its major motives and consequently provides fascinating insights into the lifestyle of the contemporary white Californian middle class. Through an analysis of July's award-winning intermedial work, the author lays open how July takes individualism and self-help as constitutive for the creative class. Although a member of the creative class herself, July's voice oscillates between irony and approval. July thus paints a fascinating portrait of neurotic hipsterism, which triggers self-reflection in the general reader and critical thinking in the cultural analyst.