An Approach for Quantitative Aggregation of Evidence from Controlled Experiments in Software Engineering. von Marcus Ciolkowski | ISBN 9783839604809

An Approach for Quantitative Aggregation of Evidence from Controlled Experiments in Software Engineering.

von Marcus Ciolkowski, herausgegeben von Dieter Rombach, Peter Liggesmeyer und Frank Bomarius
Autor / AutorinMarcus Ciolkowski
Herausgegeben vonDieter Rombach
Herausgegeben vonPeter Liggesmeyer
Herausgegeben vonFrank Bomarius
Buchcover An Approach for Quantitative Aggregation of Evidence from Controlled Experiments in Software Engineering. | Marcus Ciolkowski | EAN 9783839604809 | ISBN 3-8396-0480-X | ISBN 978-3-8396-0480-9

An Approach for Quantitative Aggregation of Evidence from Controlled Experiments in Software Engineering.

von Marcus Ciolkowski, herausgegeben von Dieter Rombach, Peter Liggesmeyer und Frank Bomarius
Autor / AutorinMarcus Ciolkowski
Herausgegeben vonDieter Rombach
Herausgegeben vonPeter Liggesmeyer
Herausgegeben vonFrank Bomarius

Empirical studies are necessary to gain reliable insights into the effects of software engineering technologies and to allow controlling risks associated with their usage.
Recently, many empirical studies have been run in many software engineering areas (e. g., inspections). However, in order to be useful for decision-making, synthesis is required. Synthesis means to analyze, combine, summarize, and generalize the results of empirical studies. However, software engineering lacks a systematic approach for synthesis: Today, most syntheses in software engineering use narrative, informal summaries. These narrative reviews suffer from a number of weaknesses; in particular, they are subjective and thus often incorrect.