Competencies: How they are acquired and measured von Dieter Gnahs | ISBN 9783866494374

Competencies: How they are acquired and measured

von Dieter Gnahs
Buchcover Competencies: How they are acquired and measured | Dieter Gnahs | EAN 9783866494374 | ISBN 3-86649-437-8 | ISBN 978-3-86649-437-4

Competencies: How they are acquired and measured

von Dieter Gnahs
A comprehensive guide to competences Competence has become a key concept in political and scientific discussions. It is used as a headword in publications, at conferences and congresses: it dominates strategy papers and practical concepts; it is the standard bearer and point of crystallization for sometimes bitterly fought differences of opinion. The text explains the term “competence” and reflects the current international discussion. From the Contents: Development guidelines and approaches regarding education policy The competence concept and its difference from similar concepts Building blocks of competence Types of competences Genesis of competence Recording competence and measuring competence Fields of application Instruments for recording and harmonising competences and qualifications for comparison purposes