A Tale of Two Stories von Björn Bentlage | Customary Marriage and Paternity. A Discourse Analysis of a Scandal in Egypt | ISBN 9783879974641

A Tale of Two Stories

Customary Marriage and Paternity. A Discourse Analysis of a Scandal in Egypt

von Björn Bentlage
Buchcover A Tale of Two Stories | Björn Bentlage | EAN 9783879974641 | ISBN 3-87997-464-0 | ISBN 978-3-87997-464-1
„[...] the book is certainly an important contribution to the field of Islamic legal studies, in particular with reference to the Egyptian case, and Bentlage showed how the analysis of legal and journalistic sources together can bring fresh insights into processes of legal change (or rather its lack).“Serena Tolino in: OLZ 114.3 (2019), 245-247

A Tale of Two Stories

Customary Marriage and Paternity. A Discourse Analysis of a Scandal in Egypt

von Björn Bentlage
The series Islamkundliche Untersuchungen was founded in 1969 by the Klaus Schwarz Verlag. Since then, it has become one of the most important venues for publications in Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies. Its more than 350 volumes cover a wide range of topics from the history, culture and societies of the Middle East and North Africa as well as neighboring regions in central, south and southeast Asia.