Mediterranean Contaminations | Middle East, North Africa, and Europe in Contact | ISBN 9783879974689

Mediterranean Contaminations

Middle East, North Africa, and Europe in Contact

herausgegeben von Giuliano Mion
Buchcover Mediterranean Contaminations  | EAN 9783879974689 | ISBN 3-87997-468-3 | ISBN 978-3-87997-468-9

Mediterranean Contaminations

Middle East, North Africa, and Europe in Contact

herausgegeben von Giuliano Mion
The series Studies on Modern Orient provides an overview of religious, political and social phenomena in modern and contemporary Muslim societies. The volumes not only cover Near and Middle Eastern countries, but explore Islam and Muslim cultures in other regions of the world as well, such as Europe and the United States. The series Studies on Modern Orient was founded in 2010 by Klaus Schwarz Verlag.