Die Namen in Uwe Johnsons Jahrestagen von Tamara Friederika Krappmann | ISBN 9783899719239

Die Namen in Uwe Johnsons Jahrestagen

von Tamara Friederika Krappmann
Autor / AutorinTamara Friederika Krappmann
Reihe herausgegeben vonEberhard Fahlke
Reihe herausgegeben vonUlrich Fries
Reihe herausgegeben vonSven Hanuschek
Reihe herausgegeben vonHolger Helbig
Buchcover Die Namen in Uwe Johnsons Jahrestagen | Tamara Friederika Krappmann | EAN 9783899719239 | ISBN 3-89971-923-9 | ISBN 978-3-89971-923-9

Die Namen in Uwe Johnsons Jahrestagen

von Tamara Friederika Krappmann
Autor / AutorinTamara Friederika Krappmann
Reihe herausgegeben vonEberhard Fahlke
Reihe herausgegeben vonUlrich Fries
Reihe herausgegeben vonSven Hanuschek
Reihe herausgegeben vonHolger Helbig
This volume is a collection and interpretation of all fictive names which Johnson has invented for the world of his novels. Especially the names of less important chracters, which are often neglected, sometimes hold the power to show unseen connections between characters or whitness Johnson's famous hidden sense of humor. Nevertheless, the lively discussion on the names of some protagonits, like Gesine Cresspahl or Jakob Abs, will also be reflected, main arguments will be contrasted or, as far as possible, be harmonised with each other. Beside the Jahrestage themselves, the names from earlier novels deliver suprising outlooks. For this reason, these names has been regarded, too. „Die Namen in Uwe Johnsons Jahrestage“ ist therefore not only a usefull support while reading the Jahrestage, but will allow to find new perspectives and approaches towards Johnsons works and may be able to build a potent grounding for further works on Johnson and his novels.