An Interlaboratory Study on the Identification of Irradiated Potatoes and on the Estimation of Applied Doses by Thermoluminescence Analysis - Ringversuch von Georg A Schreiber | ISBN 9783931675226

An Interlaboratory Study on the Identification of Irradiated Potatoes and on the Estimation of Applied Doses by Thermoluminescence Analysis - Ringversuch

von Georg A Schreiber, Ute Wagner und Jürgen Ammon
Autor / AutorinGeorg A Schreiber
Autor / AutorinUte Wagner
Autor / AutorinJürgen Ammon
Buchcover An Interlaboratory Study on the Identification of Irradiated Potatoes and on the Estimation of Applied Doses by Thermoluminescence Analysis - Ringversuch | Georg A Schreiber | EAN 9783931675226 | ISBN 3-931675-22-X | ISBN 978-3-931675-22-6

An Interlaboratory Study on the Identification of Irradiated Potatoes and on the Estimation of Applied Doses by Thermoluminescence Analysis - Ringversuch

von Georg A Schreiber, Ute Wagner und Jürgen Ammon
Autor / AutorinGeorg A Schreiber
Autor / AutorinUte Wagner
Autor / AutorinJürgen Ammon
7 Abb., 7 Tab.