Development in Japan and Uneven Development in Iran von Marziyeh Asgarivash | A Critical Comparative Study | ISBN 9783946451266

Development in Japan and Uneven Development in Iran

A Critical Comparative Study

von Marziyeh Asgarivash
Autor / AutorinMarziyeh Asgarivash
Covergestaltung vonSeyed Ramin Seyedi Abandankeshi
Buchcover Development in Japan and Uneven Development in Iran | Marziyeh Asgarivash | EAN 9783946451266 | ISBN 3-946451-26-8 | ISBN 978-3-946451-26-6

Development in Japan and Uneven Development in Iran

A Critical Comparative Study

von Marziyeh Asgarivash
Autor / AutorinMarziyeh Asgarivash
Covergestaltung vonSeyed Ramin Seyedi Abandankeshi
Uneven development in Iran has been one of the concerns of country's statesmen and intellectuals for the past hundred years. The prevailing view of this uneven development has always attributed the causes of this decline to the culture of the Iranian people. Development in Japan, on the other hand, has been interpreted as a successful example of the culture of the Japanese people.
This book challenges this „cultural perspective“ and presents a materialist reading of the history of development in Japan and uneven development in Iran.