Clouds in an Empty Sky von Wingrove-Rogers Christian | Nine short stories, a volume of poetry and a collection of photographs | ISBN 9783962581299

Clouds in an Empty Sky

Nine short stories, a volume of poetry and a collection of photographs

von Wingrove-Rogers Christian
Buchcover Clouds in an Empty Sky | Wingrove-Rogers Christian | EAN 9783962581299 | ISBN 3-96258-129-4 | ISBN 978-3-96258-129-9

Clouds in an Empty Sky

Nine short stories, a volume of poetry and a collection of photographs

von Wingrove-Rogers Christian
In “Clouds In An Empty Sky” the author, moved by Daoist thought, Sufi philosophy and a love of Nature, travels a path connecting self awareness, self responsibility and self healing.
Many of the stories and all of the poems in this volume, like those in its predecessor “Clay Tree Bird”, consider our relationships with the natural world, the wild places and our experiences, motivations and actions. They explore how we might become wiser about the realities around us and develop a deeper understanding of what it is to be a part of the natural world.
Nothing too meaningful then …