Production Engineering - Research and Development in Germany von Abele | Annals of the German Academic Society for Production Engineering | ISBN 9783980767071

Production Engineering - Research and Development in Germany

Annals of the German Academic Society for Production Engineering

von Abele, Bley und Denken, Vorwort von Geiger
Autor / AutorinAbele
Autor / AutorinBley
Autor / AutorinDenken
Vorwort vonGeiger
Sonstige Bearbeitung vonArne Lucas
Buchcover Production Engineering - Research and Development in Germany | Abele | EAN 9783980767071 | ISBN 3-9807670-7-8 | ISBN 978-3-9807670-7-1

Production Engineering - Research and Development in Germany

Annals of the German Academic Society for Production Engineering

von Abele, Bley und Denken, Vorwort von Geiger
Autor / AutorinAbele
Autor / AutorinBley
Autor / AutorinDenken
Vorwort vonGeiger
Sonstige Bearbeitung vonArne Lucas
ca. 400 schw.-w. Abb.