The Wolf of Gambling von M. Trojan | ISBN 9783981821802

The Wolf of Gambling

von M. Trojan, aus dem Deutschen übersetzt von Angelika Dürre
Buchcover The Wolf of Gambling | M. Trojan | EAN 9783981821802 | ISBN 3-9818218-0-7 | ISBN 978-3-9818218-0-2
Für Angehörige (Spielsucht-Betroffene), Spieler, angehende Spieler, Sucht-Berater und Spielsucht-Therapeuten.

The Wolf of Gambling

von M. Trojan, aus dem Deutschen übersetzt von Angelika Dürre
No jackpot at the slot-machine could have come in any way near to balancing the debt. Our senses are deceived by greed, the kick, and longing. Learn to deal with your addiction using targeted advice, tips and specifically developed questioning techniques. The new specifically developed methods will make the gambler scrutinize his addiction critically and he will finally be convinced to turn his back on it.