ARTISTS-IN-LABS: Networking in the Margins | ISBN 9783990433744

ARTISTS-IN-LABS: Networking in the Margins

herausgegeben von Jill Scott
Buchcover ARTISTS-IN-LABS: Networking in the Margins  | EAN 9783990433744 | ISBN 3-99043-374-1 | ISBN 978-3-99043-374-4

ARTISTS-IN-LABS: Networking in the Margins

herausgegeben von Jill Scott


Foreword | Sigrid Schade
Introduction: Networking is both an art and a science! |Jill Scott
Formative encounters: Laboratory life and artistic practice | Andrea Glauser
On the nature of interactions | Lloyd Anderson
Bacteria, robots and networks | Dominik Landwehr
Artists-who-care! Shared perspectives on social and ethical responsibility | Jill Scott
Art at the end of tunnel vision: A syncretic surmise |Roy Ascott
Art and science research teams? Some arguments in favour of a culture of dissent | Nina Zschocke
Case Studies:
Think Art - Act Science: Meeting on an equal level | Irène Hediger
National public support of trans-disciplinary projects | Aurelia Müller (Federal Office of Culture)
Institute of Integrative Biology (IBZ) | ETH Zurich
Center for Integrative Genomics (CIG) | University of Lausanne
WSL Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research, Bellinzona
Eawag: The Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology, Dübendorf
The Brain Mind Institute (BMI) | EPFL, Lausanne
The Human Computer Interaction Lab (HCI Lab) | Institute of Psychology | University of Basel
The Physics Department at the University of Geneva | CERN Paul Scherrer Institute PSI, Villigen
CSEM Swiss Center for Electronics and Microtechnology, Alpnach
Native Systems Group | Computer Systems Institute ETH Zurich
Istituto Dalle Molle di Studi sull'Intelligenza Artificiale (IDSIA) | USI-SUPSI, Manno-Lugano
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory | University of Zurich
Life Sciences:
Hina Strüver & Mätti Wüthrich
Sylvia Hostettler
Claudia Tolusso
Ping Qiu
Cognition & Physics:
Luca Forcucci
Monika Codourey
Christian Gonzenbach
Roman Keller
Computing & Engineering:
Pe Lang
Chandrasekhar Ramakrishnan
Alina Mnatsakanian
Pablo Ventura
Biographies of writers and artists
DVD and Analyses:
Cinema Sociology | Marille Hahne
DVD | 12 documentaries about the artists-in-labs projects 2007-2009