Liriam Longneck von Claudia Krupensky | We love you just the way you are! | ISBN 9783991470014

Liriam Longneck

We love you just the way you are!

von Claudia Krupensky, illustriert von Ervis Kashari, aus dem Deutschen übersetzt von Tabea Schindler
Buchcover Liriam Longneck | Claudia Krupensky | EAN 9783991470014 | ISBN 3-99147-001-2 | ISBN 978-3-99147-001-4
- Kinder im Kindergarten- und Volksschulalter, die ihre englischen Sprachkenntnisse vertiefen wollen - Englisch sprachige Kinder mit besonderen Bedürfnissen - Kinder mit Migrationshintergrund

Liriam Longneck

We love you just the way you are!

von Claudia Krupensky, illustriert von Ervis Kashari, aus dem Deutschen übersetzt von Tabea Schindler
Liriam Longneck lives with her parents near a lake. Every time she plays with the other little dinosaurs, she is laughed at because of her long neck. One day with eyes full of tears, she leaves the big lake and heads off into the woods, where she meets different animals who need exactly her help: the little bear cannot come sown from the tree, the little frog is too small to jump up on a rock and the hedgehog cannot cross the creek. Experiencing kindness and feeling significant again Liriam returns to the lake, where her parents ensure her daughter: she ist loved and needed, just the way she is!
Strengthens ... self-esteem of children
Encourages ... to be as unique, as you are
Helps ... to see the need of others and offer your help
Little ones experience many new things, especially during the kindergarten years, and need the security and emotional support of their parents all the more. How quickly it can happen that a child is excluded by others and feels hurt by their words. This makes it even more important to create opportunities to give your child support, through kind words and encouraging the feeling of significance.