Market Research von Erik Mooi | The Process, Data, and Methods Using Stata | ISBN 9789811353444

Market Research

The Process, Data, and Methods Using Stata

von Erik Mooi, Marko Sarstedt und Irma Mooi-Reci
Autor / AutorinErik Mooi
Autor / AutorinMarko Sarstedt
Autor / AutorinIrma Mooi-Reci
Buchcover Market Research | Erik Mooi | EAN 9789811353444 | ISBN 981-13-5344-1 | ISBN 978-981-13-5344-4
“The book is accompanied by a well-maintained web page … . Overall, the book is a one-stop shop for market researchers. Sufficient background information … add up to a good choice for entering the world of applied market research. Hence, the book can be recommended to students making their first steps in applied market research, particularly when they work with Stata. Likewise, course instructors ... will like the text and the resources that come with it.” (Hauke A. Wetzel, Economic Record, Vol. 96 (313), June, 2020)

Market Research

The Process, Data, and Methods Using Stata

von Erik Mooi, Marko Sarstedt und Irma Mooi-Reci
Autor / AutorinErik Mooi
Autor / AutorinMarko Sarstedt
Autor / AutorinIrma Mooi-Reci

This book is an easily accessible and comprehensive guide which helps make sound statistical decisions, perform analyses, and interpret the results quickly using Stata. It includes advanced coverage of ANOVA, factor, and cluster analyses in Stata, as well as essential regression and descriptive statistics. It is aimed at those wishing to know more about the process, data management, and most commonly used methods in market research using Stata. 

The book offers readers an overview of the entire market research process from asking market research questions to collecting and analyzing data by means of quantitative methods. It is engaging, hands-on, and includes many practical examples, tips, and suggestions that help readers apply and interpret quantitative methods, such as regression, factor, and cluster analysis. These methods help researchers provide companies with useful insights.