Flood Resources Utilization in the Yangtze River Basin von Shouren Zheng | ISBN 9789811581076

Flood Resources Utilization in the Yangtze River Basin

von Shouren Zheng und weiteren
Autor / AutorinShouren Zheng
Autor / AutorinZhiyu Zhong
Autor / AutorinQiang Zou
Autor / AutorinYi Ding
Autor / AutorinLin Yang
Autor / AutorinXue Luo
Buchcover Flood Resources Utilization in the Yangtze River Basin | Shouren Zheng | EAN 9789811581076 | ISBN 981-15-8107-X | ISBN 978-981-15-8107-6

Flood Resources Utilization in the Yangtze River Basin

von Shouren Zheng und weiteren
Autor / AutorinShouren Zheng
Autor / AutorinZhiyu Zhong
Autor / AutorinQiang Zou
Autor / AutorinYi Ding
Autor / AutorinLin Yang
Autor / AutorinXue Luo

This book is highly informative and carefully presented, providing scientific insights into the flood resources utilization in the Yangtze River Basin both for scholars and decision-makers. The book is for the purpose of analyzing the potential utilization of flood resources in the Yangtze River Basin and exploring effective ways to put forward the countermeasures against the risks. Major objectives of this book include: (1) revealing the characteristics of the inflow and the sediment variation in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, quantitatively evaluating the potential utilization of the flood resources in the Yangtze River and demonstrating the feasibility of its utilization in the Basin; (2) proposing the necessity and feasibility of utilizing the flood resources by the Three Gorges Project; (3) shedding new light on the characteristics of the flood resources, presenting different methods of flood resources utilization in different regions over the Basin and raising the overall risk-optimized strategies of the flood resources utilization in the Yangtze River; (4) analyzing the risk of flood resources utilization for the Three Gorges Project regarding flood control, sediment, ecology, etc., and putting forward the risk-optimized countermeasures of flood resources utilization for the Three Gorges Project.