An Insight Into Metal Based Foams von Dipen Kumar Rajak | Processing, Properties and Applications | ISBN 9789811590689

An Insight Into Metal Based Foams

Processing, Properties and Applications

von Dipen Kumar Rajak und Manoj Gupta
Autor / AutorinDipen Kumar Rajak
Autor / AutorinManoj Gupta
Buchcover An Insight Into Metal Based Foams | Dipen Kumar Rajak | EAN 9789811590689 | ISBN 981-15-9068-0 | ISBN 978-981-15-9068-9

An Insight Into Metal Based Foams

Processing, Properties and Applications

von Dipen Kumar Rajak und Manoj Gupta
Autor / AutorinDipen Kumar Rajak
Autor / AutorinManoj Gupta
The primary focus of this book, accordingly, is to provide insight into the fundamentals, applications, manufacturing aspects and properties (mechanical, thermal, electrical etc.) of metal foams. Their potential applications in various small- as well as large-scale industries are highlighted. The present book also focuses on aspects of designing simple structures by taking into account loading conditions under tensile, compressive or torsional stress for metals and their foams. In view of theoretical analysis, clear explanation is provided as how metal foams can exhibit better structural properties when compared to their parent metal. It is hoped that the present book, in view of significant application potential of metal foams in near future, will be extremely useful to students and academicians in tertiary institutes and researchers working in research labs who are attempting to find lightweight solutions.