Time Reversal Acoustics von Woon Siong Gan | ISBN 9789811632341

Time Reversal Acoustics

von Woon Siong Gan
Buchcover Time Reversal Acoustics | Woon Siong Gan | EAN 9789811632341 | ISBN 981-16-3234-0 | ISBN 978-981-16-3234-1

Time Reversal Acoustics

von Woon Siong Gan

This book highlights time reversal acoustics, techniques based on the symmetry properties of acoustic fields. It has the unique feature that the first eleven chapters of the book are on the indepth studies of the theories of time reversal acoustics. The remaining chapters are on the four  major applications of time reversal acoustics, together with their experimental setups and case studies: underwater communication, seismic exploration, nondestructive evaluation, and medical ultrasound  imaging.. The gauge invariance approach to acoustic fields, proposed by the author in 2007, is confirmed by the successful fabrication of acoustical metamaterials and the applications of time reversal acoustics to superresolution. The book also presents groundbreaking applications of time reversal acoustics to underwater communication technology and the application of metamaterials to time reversal acoustics.