Developing Property Rights Theory von Shaoan Huang | Based on China’s Practice | ISBN 9789819908820

Developing Property Rights Theory

Based on China’s Practice

von Shaoan Huang, übersetzt von Yanfeng Huang
Buchcover Developing Property Rights Theory | Shaoan Huang | EAN 9789819908820 | ISBN 981-9908-82-5 | ISBN 978-981-9908-82-0

Developing Property Rights Theory

Based on China’s Practice

von Shaoan Huang, übersetzt von Yanfeng Huang

This book aims to interpret China’s property-rights reform since 1978 on theory level. Property-rights reform is no doubt the essential for economic system reform, which led to China’s economic miracle in the past 40 years. Neither modern property-rights theory nor Marxism can explain all issues around Chinese complex economic system reform. The book sheds light on the theory development through comparative study and China-focused research.