Biomass-Based Functional Carbon Nanostructures for Supercapacitors | ISBN 9789819909988

Biomass-Based Functional Carbon Nanostructures for Supercapacitors

herausgegeben von Santosh K. Tiwari, Michal Bystrzejewski und Vijay Kumar
Herausgegeben vonSantosh K. Tiwari
Herausgegeben vonMichal Bystrzejewski
Herausgegeben vonVijay Kumar
Buchcover Biomass-Based Functional Carbon Nanostructures for Supercapacitors  | EAN 9789819909988 | ISBN 981-9909-98-8 | ISBN 978-981-9909-98-8

Biomass-Based Functional Carbon Nanostructures for Supercapacitors

herausgegeben von Santosh K. Tiwari, Michal Bystrzejewski und Vijay Kumar
Herausgegeben vonSantosh K. Tiwari
Herausgegeben vonMichal Bystrzejewski
Herausgegeben vonVijay Kumar
This book presents a widespread description of the synthesis and characterization of biomass-based carbon nanostructures. It also covers the vital applications of these materials in supercapacitors and for next-generation energy storage devices. It describes the common design procedures, advantages and disadvantages of biomass-based carbon nanostructures and offers novel visions into the forthcoming directions. In addition, this book will provide new updates about the effect of doping and structural twist on the electrochemical performance of electrode materials derived from biomass sources. The book will be useful for beginners, researchers, and professionals working in the area of carbon nanomaterials and their applications in energy storage devices.