Penal Practice and Culture, 1500–1900 von Paul Griffiths | Punishing the English | ISBN 9780230523241

Penal Practice and Culture, 1500–1900

Punishing the English

von Paul Griffiths und Simon Devereaux
Autor / AutorinPaul Griffiths
Autor / AutorinSimon Devereaux
Buchcover Penal Practice and Culture, 1500–1900 | Paul Griffiths | EAN 9780230523241 | ISBN 0-230-52324-2 | ISBN 978-0-230-52324-1

'[This] volume's coherence and consistently high quality will recommend it to scholars as well as undergraduate students.' - English Historical Review

Penal Practice and Culture, 1500–1900

Punishing the English

von Paul Griffiths und Simon Devereaux
Autor / AutorinPaul Griffiths
Autor / AutorinSimon Devereaux
The English were punished in many different ways in the five centuries after 1500. This collection stretches from whipping to the gallows, and from the first houses of correction to penitentiaries. Punishment provides a striking way to examine the development of culture and society through time. These studies of penal practice explore violence, cruelty and shame, while offering challenging new perspectives on the timing of the decline of public punishment, the rise of imprisonment and reforms of the capital code.