Gaming Lives in the Twenty-First Century | Literate Connections | ISBN 9780230601765

Gaming Lives in the Twenty-First Century

Literate Connections

Vorwort von Kenneth A. Loparo, herausgegeben von G. Hawisher und C. Selfe
Herausgegeben vonG. Hawisher
Vorwort vonKenneth A. Loparo
Herausgegeben vonC. Selfe
Buchcover Gaming Lives in the Twenty-First Century  | EAN 9780230601765 | ISBN 0-230-60176-6 | ISBN 978-0-230-60176-5

Gaming Lives in the Twenty-First Century

Literate Connections

Vorwort von Kenneth A. Loparo, herausgegeben von G. Hawisher und C. Selfe
Herausgegeben vonG. Hawisher
Vorwort vonKenneth A. Loparo
Herausgegeben vonC. Selfe
This volume examines the claim that computer games can provide better literacy and learning environments than schools. Using case-studies in the US at the beginning of the twenty-first century and the words and observations of individual gamers, the book offers historical and cultural analyses of their literacy development, practices and values.